Quarterly Reviews & Research

Lismore Q2 2024 Investment Market Review

Over the last few years, at times it has felt like Donald Duck or The Muppets might have done a better job at running the country (locally and nationally). However, on the eve of a General Election, let’s hope that whoever wins can set us on a path of renewed optimism and creating an environment where business can flourish and really drive a period of sustained economic growth. A rising tide lifts all boats, and you must start with job creation.

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Quarterly Reviews & Research

Lismore Q1 2024 Investment Market Review

At a macro-level, it feels like there wasn’t a lot “right” either economically or geo-politically for the year just passed and for many in the investment market, the end of 2023 could not come quick enough. However, we don’t subscribe to the adage of “survive till ‘25”, we are more in the camp of “get in the door in ‘24”…

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Quarterly Reviews & Research

Lismore Q4 2023 Investment Market Review

At a macro-level, it feels like there wasn’t a lot “right” either economically or geo-politically for the year just passed and for many in the investment market, the end of 2023 could not come quick enough. However, we don’t subscribe to the adage of “survive till ‘25”, we are more in the camp of “get in the door in ‘24”…

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Quarterly Reviews & Research

Lismore Q3 2023 Investment Market Review

By the time this edition goes live, the Rugby World Cup will be well
underway but trying to predict the eventual winner is almost as
difficult as trying to call the property market at the moment.

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Lismore advise on sale of Whistleberry Retail Park, Blantyre

Lismore Real Estate Advisors have advised a private client on the sale of Units 1 & Whistleberry Retail Park, let to B&M and Farmfoods. B&M extends to 30,100 sq.ft plus a garden centre of 10,218 sq.ft, whilst Farmfoods extends to a total of 5,540 sq.ft. The park benefits from an attractive WAULT to breaks of 9.56 years and to expiry of 10.9 years.

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